17 Free Ways to Practice Self-Care
It’s easy to let your days become never-ending to-do lists. Self-care practices offer a great opportunity to slow your frantic pace and tune into your needs, which is especially important these days. Taking care of yourself during stressful times can help you feel refreshed and better equipped to handle whatever life throws at you. Eventually, self-care becomes a normal part of your routine.

"Although nature gives us many cues to relax and take care of ourselves, modern society does not," says Sarah Kucera, DC, a certified yoga teacher at the Sage Center for Yoga & Healing Arts. in Kansas City, Missouri says. In an effort to keep up with everyone else, many of us try to cram our days too much, neglecting the body's need to slow down and rejuvenate. "It becomes a cycle of poor stress management, lack of self-awareness, and not knowing what we need to feel our best," says Kucera.
"By returning to your mind, you will connect with your thoughts, physical sensations, and the present moment in order to continue to rely on it," says Sara Weinreb, herbalist and runs a business that focuses on quality and sustainability. Just take note of what you see, hear, feel, taste and smell at the moment.
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