20 min Taurus Yoga Flow - Abundance, Grounding & Sensuality
Immerse yourself in a 20-minute Taurus Yoga Flow to cultivate abundance, grounding, and sensuality. Connect with your body, find inner balance, and embrace the energy of the Taurus zodiac sign.
Join me for a grounding 20 minute slow flow yoga class focusing on the zodiac sign of Taurus ???? JOIN MY 30-DAY FLEXIBLE BODY, FLEXIBLE MIND YOGA CHALLENGE ???? https://bit.ly/flexbodymind ???? Check out my new AFFIRMATION CARDS + YOGA JOURNAL ???? https://bit.ly/ywkshop Welcome to the latest class in my new zodiac series! This practice will take you through a 20 minute flow focusing on the fixed earth sign of Taurus. Taurus is about sensuality and our connection to the material/physical world. Taurus is the archetype of the lover and speaks to our need to cultivate a healthy relationship with resources, possessions, money and other people. Taurus tends to be grounded and solid with the capacity to be soft and slow. Taurus signs can place a lot of importance on defining and respecting their core values. I'll take you through a slow flow 20 minute yoga practice where we will move mindfully through some grounding poses. Move slowly to tap into your senses and feel the connection to your physical body. Affirmations for Taurus: - I love myself exactly as I am - I welcome abundance into my life - I am grounded and stable ALL ZODIAC YOGA CLASSES: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLW0v0k7UCVrk4gSTVS6uIxfgXPXVHbHZr ✅ SUBSCRIBE TO SUPPORT FREE YOGA ON THE INTERNET http://bit.ly/ywkassandra ???? Don’t forget to click on the bell to turn on post notifications! Thanks for watching, Kassandra WEB ➡️ http://www.yogawithkassandra.com INSTAGRAM ➡️ https://instagram.com/yoga_with_kassandra ???? NEW MOBILE APP ???? Stream or download more than 750+ classes, use the in-app calendar to track and schedule classes, new exclusive challenges, classes and programs added every month ❤️ FREE TO DOWNLOAD ❤️ http://bit.ly/ytmobileapp FREE YOGA CHALLENGES ???? 30 day Morning Yoga Challenge http://bit.ly/morning30days ???? 30 day Evening Yoga Challenge: http://bit.ly/bedtime30 ???? 7 day Yoga & Meditation Challenge: http://bit.ly/ywk7day MY PUBLISHED BOOKS & PRODUCTS ???? "Year of Yoga" (NEW Book+ Online Program): https://geni.us/yearofyoga ???? "I Radiate Joy" Affirmation Card Deck: https://bit.ly/affirmationdeck ✍️ "My Yoga Journey" Guided Yoga Journal: https://bit.ly/ywkyogajournal ???? "Yin Yoga: Stretch the Mindful Way" Book: http://geni.us/ywkbook ???? SHOP MY AMAZON FAVORITES ????️ https://www.amazon.com/shop/yogawithkassandra STUDY WITH ME ???????? 30 hour Yin Yoga Teacher Training: https://bit.ly/yinyttkass ????️ 10 hour Yoga Philosophy Course: https://bit.ly/ywkyama ⚡ 10 hour Tantra Wisdom Goddesses Course: https://bit.ly/wisdomgoddess PRACTICE WITH ME ???? Lunar Yoga Series http://bit.ly/applunar ???? Vin to Yin Chakra Series http://bit.ly/vinyinchakra ???? Yin Yoga & Affirmations http://bit.ly/affyoga ???? Yoga for Insomnia http://bit.ly/sleepfastyoga ???? 14-Day Yin & Yang Yoga Challenge http://bit.ly/14dayyinyang ???? Advanced Chakra Meditation https://bit.ly/meditatechakra ⚽ Therapy Ball Mobility http://bit.ly/tuneupyoga ???? Gentle Yoga for Beginners http://bit.ly/gentleyogabeg ???? 7 Day Morning Yoga Series http://bit.ly/morningseries ???????? Meditation for Beginners http://bit.ly/meditationbeg Yoga with Kassandra - Disclaimer Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise program. By participating in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself, and agree to release and discharge Yoga with Kassandra from any and all claims or causes of action, known or unknown, arising out of Yoga with Kassandra’s negligence. #yogawithkassandra #zodiacyoga #taurusyoga
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