All you need to know about Cardio yoga
Cardio yoga is a popular style of exercise that combines yoga with cardiovascular, or cardio, exercises. It has become increasingly popular among those who enjoy the relaxation benefits of yoga but demand more intensity. The practice has become increasingly popular throughout the world as a means to relieve stress, improve sleep, boost mental and emotional health, and relieve general low back and neck pain. Unlike traditional yoga, which focuses on breathing techniques, body flow, and postures, cardio yoga incorporates more dynamic movements that ramp up the intensity and elevate your heart rate. Cardio yoga workouts involve performing yoga-inspired movements at a quicker pace and with continuous flow to engage more muscles and challenge your cardiovascular, or circulatory, system. While yoga is generally safe, make sure you’re on a flat surface and don’t have any conditions that may interfere with balance, such as neuropathy or orthopedic-related limitations. These include : Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) Surya Namaskar, commonly known as the Sun Salutation, is a series of postures performed in a sequence. Here is the sequence:
1. Samasthiti
Start standing up straight with your feet together and weight evenly distributed. Your shoulders should be rolled back and your hands should be hanging by your side with your chin parallel to the ground.
2. Urdhva hastasana
Inhale and bend your knees slightly, raising your arms over your head. Bring your palms together and look at your thumbs.
3. Uttanasana
Exhale and straighten your legs. Bend forward from the hips and bring your hands down. Relax your neck.
4. Urdvah uttanasana
Inhale and lengthen your spine, looking forward and opening your shoulders.
5. Chaturanga dandasana
Exhale and jump or step your feet back. Bend your elbows and keep them tucked into your sides. Lower your body. You may either keep your knees off the floor, or modify the exercise by bringing your knees to the ground.
6. Urdhva mukha svanasana
Inhale and point your toes away from your body. Lift your chest while your knees stay off the ground. Open your shoulders and look up to the sky.
7. Adho mukha svanasana
Exhale and tuck your toes under, lifting your hips and bringing your shoulders down. Look at your navel. You may wish to stay in this position for up to five deep breaths.
8. Urdhva uttanasana
Inhale and jump or step your feet together between your hands, lengthen the spine and look to the front while opening your shoulders (same as step 4).
9. Uttanasana
Exhale and lower the crown of your head toward the ground and relax your neck (same as step 3).
10. Urdhva hastasana
Inhale and bend your knees, raising your arms over your head and bringing your palms together while looking at your thumbs (same as step 2).
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