Best Standing Core Exercises For Women Over 40
If you want to have a stronger and tighter looking core but don’t love getting on the floor and doing crunches, this blog post is for you! Toning your muscles while in a standing position not only works your abs, it also engages other muscles too. For example, standing ab exercises often puts your balance … Best Standing Core Exercises For Women Over 40 Read More » The post Best Standing Core Exercises For Women Over 40 appeared first on Faithful Workouts.

If you want to have a stronger and tighter looking core but don’t love getting on the floor and doing crunches, this blog post is for you!
Toning your muscles while in a standing position not only works your abs, it also engages other muscles too. For example, standing ab exercises often puts your balance and stability to the test, as your body naturally fights against gravity to maintain the upright position. These exercises hit all the same core muscles that floor work does…and then some!
Why do we need to work on our core? The benefits of having a strong core include injury prevention, reduction of back pain, improved lifting mechanics, balance, stability and posture. Stability especially is vital in our day-to-day regular activities.
Standing core exercises are also a good option if you are a beginner who is just getting started and find getting up and down off the floor difficult or if you are recovering from an injury and need to ease into floor core exercises.
Here is a great standing fore workout. I also show some of the movements in a chair too. This is an ideal workout for women over 40!!
Standing Core in Bermuda (10 Minutes)
I hope this inspires you to focus more consistently on strengthening your core so you can improve your balance, decrease your risk of back injury and falls. You’ve got this!
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The post Best Standing Core Exercises For Women Over 40 appeared first on Faithful Workouts.
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