Staying Fit

Staying Fit

Staying Fit: Find all the fitness ideas for staying fit, how to stay Physically and Mentally Fit, best exercises to stay fit, How to Stay in Shape and more.

Added since Jun 2, 2023

Why low-intensity exercises may benefit you in the long run

While picking out the right exercise, your fitness level generally matters. Afte...

What causes love handles and 7 exercises to get rid of them

Spare tire, beer belly, tummy fat and muffin top are a few terms used to address...

7 ways exercise helps boost productivity at work

No one is alien to the benefits of exercising regularly. We all have heard that ...

Wrist injuries while lifting weight are common: Ways to prevent the risk

Often overlooked but very important, your wrists are extremely important in dail...

Yoga to increase stamina: 10 effective asanas you can try

You might be a fitness enthusiast or someone who doesn’t give staying in shape o...

5 exercises to reduce hip pain and make hip joints stronger

Hip discomfort, like back pain, is a common problem among people. From standing ...

From desk to mat: How yoga can improve office worker’s health

In today’s fast-paced world, office workers often find themselves battling a ran...

5 easy knee exercises you can do in bed with a pillow

Women with knee pain and arthritis know how hard joints hurt. Sometimes, even wa...

Don't give up workout during periods, but avoid these 5 exercises!

Exercise may be the last thing on your mind during periods unless you are a fitn...

5 health benefits of indoor cycling for a healthy heart, body and mind

Nostalgia strikes the moment someone says the world cycling. During childhood, e...

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