Healthy Late-Night Snacks for Weight Loss
Why do you need to eat at night? There's a chance you didn't eat enough during the day. Or, you might not have consumed enough protein and fiber, which are satisfying foods. Even so, it's possible that the evening hunger pangs are actually thirst.

What to Eat After 8pm
Snacks could consist of whole grains, some fruit, a serving of a dairy product with reduced fat, or a vegetable. A small serving of protein or a healthy fat can also be included in a healthy evening snack.
Consider some of these munchies.
2 tablespoons of hummus and some raw vegetables like carrots or celery
1 packet of plain oatmeal made with unsweetened almond or ordinary skim milk and 1/2 cup cooked oats]
a quarter cup of plain yogurt with a half cup of fruit and/or a half ounce of nuts or almonds
1 ounce of low-fat cheese or 1 string cheese stick on 5–10 whole-grain crackers
a half-cup of nonfat cottage cheese and a half-slice of banana
1 small tortilla made of whole grains spread with 1/2 cup of fat-free refried beans
Planning for Evening Snacks
If you're going to frequently take an evening snack, you can prepare for it so that it doesn't interfere with your efforts to eat healthily. Here are some ideas for incorporating evening snacks into your daily schedule.
Try eating "breakfast" in the evening if you don't enjoy eating breakfast in the morning but enjoy an evening snack. That could be oatmeal with fruit, whole-grain cereal and milk, or peanut butter and jelly on toast.
Consider having a little less during your lunch or afternoon snack to make up for an evening snack if you know one is coming.
When you record your other meals and snacks, make sure to include your nighttime snack. You can make sure it works with your plan in this way.
Cut Down on Evening Hunger
Why do you need to eat at night? There's a chance you didn't eat enough during the day. Or, you might not have consumed enough protein and fiber, which are satisfying foods. Even so, it's possible that the evening hunger pangs are actually thirst.
These suggestions might lessen the need for evening snacks.
Maintain a regular eating schedule so that your body is aware of when to expect food.
Eat a dinner that is high in volume and low in calories, especially veggies. These can keep you full without impeding weight loss.
Include low-calorie, satisfying items all day long. Generally speaking, lean proteins and high-fiber diets are preferable than processed, sugary, or fatty foods.
It's a good idea to consider whether your urges for an evening snack are driven by hunger or by something else, such boredom or loneliness. It is better to occupy yourself or to directly address the emotion or situation in question if you believe you are eating for emotional reasons. Anger management techniques other than eating include taking a walk, calling a loved one, and engaging in self-care.
Nevertheless, "But I'm Hungry!"
Got it. You may occasionally feel genuinely hungry at night. What can you eat as a snack that won't keep you up all night and won't prevent you from losing weight?
Evening snacks should typically include:
calorie and portion control
low in refined carbohydrates, sugar, and saturated fats moderate in high fiber-carbohydrates
Why do you need to eat at night? There's a chance you didn't eat enough during the day. Or, you might not have consumed enough protein and fiber, which are satisfying foods. Even so, it's possible that the evening hunger pangs are actually thirst.
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