Life Lessons After 50
There are a few things I know for sure now…and yep…it took me to get to the OTHER side of 50 (51 here) to truly “get” them. Now that I know them, I want to share them with you in hopes they might help you!... The post Life Lessons After 50 appeared first on Natalie Jill Fitness.

There are a few things I know for sure now…and yep…it took me to get to the OTHER side of 50 (51 here) to truly “get” them. Now that I know them, I want to share them with you in hopes they might help you!
We never know what someone else is going through or walking through. So before judging, snapping at, attacking, or being mad at them know they may be navigating something very consuming.
Looks as we knew them fade and we age: that’s unavoidable. It’s ok to try to ‘fix’, repair, prevent, reverse etc… but ultimately we WILL AGE. So make sure you put your value in a lot more than just appearances.
Friends and family matter more than accomplishments and a to-do list. I’m sorry to any friend or family member that I ever said I was “too busy” to make time for. The truth of the matter was, I just took time and what truly matters for granted. Having dinner with my brother the other night reminded me of this in a major way. P.S. I live across the county from my family. Make amends or say yes to plans NOW, as one day it will be “too late” and we are really not “too busy”.
I’ve lived an expansive life and I realize so much of my growth and happy memories are from those expansive experiences! I am planning a big fat YES to more expansion immediately — why not?
Find yourself a spouse that FULLY LOVES you and is committed to your marriage. Do not settle for less. It’s far better to be alone than to be in a loveless marriage.
Material things don’t matter. I’ve wasted more money on those “things” than I can count over the years. I now want money for the comfort, convenience, and ability to help and make a difference…not for ridiculously expensive possessions that truly hold no real “value” outside of the label and price tag.
We can’t control ANYTHING. We can certainly try and do all the things we think we are supposed to do! But, ultimately WE are not in charge. God is.
Faith is everything. Why did it take me so long to get that?
Laughter is essential. I will continue to poke fun at myself, aging, hot flashes, being GenX, and more because we need to LAUGH MORE!
We do not know everything. Not now and not ever. I no longer think YOU or anyone is “wrong” about anything. We all just have different models of the world and what “is”.
Those are my random thoughts
The post Life Lessons After 50 appeared first on Natalie Jill Fitness.
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