Way to Health and Fitness

Way to Health and Fitness

Weight Loss, Health and Wellness

Added since Jun 27, 2023

Flat Tummy With One Exercise

Okay, the month of June is almost over and we are rapidly approaching Independen...

Random Musings about Weight Loss

I have been missing in action from writing for the last month or so. During this...

Inflammation in The Body

The word “inflammation” might conjure up images of a swollen ankle after some mi...

Small Steps to Weight Loss

First Things First A common strategy to attempt to lose weight is to skip breakf...

Jenny Craig is Dead

Would it be wrong that the death of Jenny Craig makes me happy, happy, happy? No...

Baseline Bone Health

Do you know how well your baseline bone health is from your last physical examin...

Bariatric Weight-Loss for Children

  Bariatric weight-loss surgery for children?!? As I was sitting this morning an...

Sugar, Sugar

  EXTRA! EXTRA! READ ALL ABOUT IT! Today I saw a video about The World Health Or...


  Terrifying Trend In light of a recent influx of messages about numerous friend...

Weight-Loss Simplified

Weight-loss is not a hard concept to grasp, yet so many people who have a desire...

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