Scalp build-up: Tips to manage sebum to prevent dandruff
We often focus on our hair strands when we think of hair health. If the hair feels too dry or dull, we look for products to bring back life in it. Some even make the mistake of applying oils and other hair care products just on the strands. But if you want voluminous and healthy … Continue reading "Scalp build-up: Tips to manage sebum to prevent dandruff"

When we think of hair health, we frequently consider our individual hair strands. We search for products to give our hair life again if it feels excessively dry or lifeless. Some even commit the error of merely coating the strands with oils and other hair care products. But if you want voluminous and healthy hair, you need to pay attention to your scalp too. Scalp build-up or sebum build-up on the scalp is one of the signs that your dandruff problem can get worse. Make sure to avoid scalp build-up on scalp.
What is scalp build-up or sebum build-up?
The condition known as sebum build-up on the scalp is caused by overproduction of sebum by the sebaceous glands in the scalp, according to Dr. Aleena Rehman, an aesthetic physician and surgeon who specializes in non-surgical treatments and hair restoration. It is an oleaginous material that nourishes and shields your scalp and hair.
What are the causes of scalp build-up?
Sometimes, genetic factors can contribute to the body’s tendency to produce more sebum. Other causes of sebum build-up are:
1. Modifications in hormones
Hormonal changes occur when we go through different phases of life or puberty. The alterations or hormonal imbalances can cause an increase in sebum production.
2. Inadequate skin care regimen
When the skin's natural oils are removed by using harsh or drying skin care products, the skin overproduces sebum as a defense mechanism.
Whatever the reason, sebum accumulation on the scalp needs to be addressed. If you let it get out of control, it can cause a lot of problems.
• The build-up of sebum can make hair look flat and dull. • Excess sebum can clog hair follicles, causing dandruff, acne, and itching on the scalp. • It can also foster an environment that encourages yeast overgrowth, leading to fungal infections or seborrheic dermatitis.
How to get rid of scalp build-up?
1. Wash your hair regularly
Washing your hair regularly helps to remove excess sebum and other build-up from the scalp. However, it’s important to avoid over-washing your hair, as this can dry out your scalp and stimulate sebum production.
2. Use a clarifying shampoo
A clarifying shampoo can help to remove stubborn sebum build-up from the scalp. It’s important to use a clarifying shampoo sparingly as it can cause your hair to feel more dry than usual.
3. Exfoliate your scalp
According to Dr. Rehman, using a scalp brush or a mild scrub to exfoliate your scalp can aid in removing dead skin cells.
4. Use a light conditioner
Avoid using heavy conditioners, as these can clog the pores and contribute to sebum buildup. Instead, use a light conditioner that is specifically designed for oily hair, suggests Dr Rehman.
5. Avoid heat styling
In addition to damaging hair and scalp, heat styling increases sebum production. You may occasionally feel the need to heat style your hair, but always use a heat protectant spray beforehand.
6. Have a healthy diet
Reduced sebum production and hormone regulation can both be achieved with a nutritious diet. Consume whole grains, fruits, and vegetables in abundance; cut back on processed foods, sugar, and bad fats.
7. Manage stress
Hormones that may cause the production of sebum can be released when under stress. Look for healthy stress-reduction techniques, such as yoga, meditation, or physical activity.
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