Sugar, Sugar
EXTRA! EXTRA! READ ALL ABOUT IT! Today I saw a video about The World Health Organization releasing a “study” that claims that 0-calorie sweeteners don’t help with weight control. That’s absurd. The “study” was an “observational” study which involves merely observing people who use these sweeteners and those who use sugar. Most people using...

Today I saw a video about The World Health Organization releasing a “study” that claims that 0-calorie sweeteners don’t help with weight control. That’s absurd. The “study” was an “observational” study which involves merely observing people who use these sweeteners and those who use sugar. Most people using these other sweeteners are people who are trying to lose weight, therefore most of them are overweight. It’s incredibly easy to bias this type of “study”. Sometimes it’s also profitable, depending on what industry is funding the “study”.
Any time we reduce the number of calories we eat, we will lose weight. Avoiding sugar does just that.
In light of that news item, I decided to republish this article.
One Thing
I am asked for nutritional advice pretty often and of course; I am quick to tell everyone to see their medical doctor and come to Davids Way with his permission. I then tell them that if I can give them one piece of advice, I will tell them to quit eating sugar. It usually goes over like a lead balloon, but I have to take the opportunity that I have to plant that seed into the fertile soil of their mind. They were ready for growth, or they wouldn’t have asked that question. Occasionally, someone who is not ready to change will ask and they don’t receive this bit of information well because we are profoundly attracted to, and held captive by, this intoxicating, crystalline substance. Death can come in many forms, some of them are lovely to behold and pleasant to entertain. I can assure you that is the case with sugar.
The Facts
According to the U.S. Library of Medicine and National Institutes of Health, consumption of added sugars has been implicated in the increased risk of obesity, cardiovascular disease, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, mental decline and some cancers. (1) All precautions have been taken in their study to ensure accuracy of data and absence of bias. Systematic reviews and meta-analysis, which are considered the most accurate methods of proofing data, have been employed to provide accuracy. There is really no doubt in the medical community of this relationship, and yet this information is met with a firestorm of anger and belligerence. The sugar industry is powerful, and this is a subject that few people really want to expose anyway because most people still want to eat sugar. It’s as powerful as some drugs when it comes to its ability to create cravings and feelings of deprivation in its absence.
Crystal Power
Mankind’s attraction to this molecule forced the creation of the first trading fleets in medieval Europe and caused slaves to be dispatched all over the world. [2] Sugar cane is the world’s largest crop. [3] Is there any wonder that the truth concerning this toxin is met with hostility? Due to our desire for it, it is a large contributor to the world’s economy. What would happen economically if we all just stopped eating sugar? It has been instrumental in forming the world as we know it. Our constant search for it has created an economy in more than one way. Don’t forget the money made in the medical field treating the diseases that sugar is instrumental in developing. Look at the list of related ailments again.
Although diabetes is not directly caused by eating sugar, Type 2 Diabetes can be exacerbated by being overweight and sugar adds so many calories to your diet that it can predispose you to this deadly condition. Do you realize the billions of dollars that it takes to treat diabetes alone? Now, consider the liver disease, dementia and cancer. Sugar is powerful indeed. How many loved ones do we each have that have fallen to this commercial Beast?
As much as I would like to, it’s not likely that I will ever be a political giant who could affect laws concerning this poison, but what I can do is make a personal decision. I can decide that I will not eat it. If more people would do this, it would lose some of it’s hold on the world overall because it’s profit margin would fall and the whole damn world would not bow to it. The more profitable it is for the people who push it, the more they will push it. If sales decrease, the profit margin will shrink and it will not be pushed so hard that we are constantly bombarded with messages to eat it. The answer is a personal one that can only be decided by each one of us. How much do you want to be healthy? I’m not talking about fitting into your wedding gown or looking great for a high-school reunion. I’m talking about going to the doctor and being commended on your “numbers”. David and I are both commended on ours.
We don’t eat sugar.
Methods of Withdrawal
If you quit this stuff cold turkey, you will not die. You may want to die because it is a source of comfort to many. It is a cold deception. As we medicate with this pretty poison, our health fails, our waistline grows and those dreams that we are longing to see come to fruition dissolve right before our eyes. You can quit eating it abruptly. I did.
You may be able to cut back and wean off of it slowly, but that usually doesn’t work. Eating a little keeps you addicted to the endorphin release that this sticky concoction delivers.
Just quit.
My Desire
I hope that this post makes a difference in your life. Quitting sugar is the best thing that I’ve ever done for myself.
Self-care is everything. Practicing self-care enables you to do everything that’s important to you and without it, you will be unable to care for others. Do yourself and your loved ones a huge favor and put your health first.
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