Mental Well-being

Calorie Cycling: A Strategy for Weight Management

Ever feel stuck in a weight loss rut? Counting calories diligently but the scale...

Balancing Act: How to Juggle Fitness with a Busy Lifestyle

In today's fast-paced world, finding the time and energy to prioritize fitness a...

Mind Over Matter: Conquering Mental Barriers in Your Fitness Journey

Fitness is not just about physical strength—it's also about mental resilience. W...

5 life lessons from Mahatma Gandhi's life for a calmer mind and healthier life

The hustle and bustle of life can sometimes make it harder to remain calm. From ...

Temper tantrums in kids: Why they happen and 5 ways to deal with them

Hell hath no fury like an angry child! Temper tantrums in kids are as unpredicta...

Dating a highly sensitive person? 10 ways oversensitivity can ruin a relati...

We all have our own opinions and react to things in different ways. Some people ...

How to conquer your fears: 6 tips from a mental health expert

Many people tend to create thoughts towards life around fear. You can actually h...

Shaheen Bhatt on student depression and academic stress: Education is a jou...

In the relentless pursuit of academic excellence, a majority of students feel pr...

10 weirdest phobias that are more common than you would think!

We are afraid of various things. It is a natural response to threats, but it can...

World Mental Health Day: 10 common symptoms of stress

Stress affects all of us. It can be mild for one person and severe for another. ...

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