Why Tea is More Than Just a Drink !!
"Chai" calms your mind, any time of the day. A complete preparation of herbal tea with the right ingredients is a home remedy for many ailments. Drinking herbal tea is associated with maintaining cardiovascular and metabolic health. It also has anti-aging and anti-inflammatory properties; strengthens the immune system; helps detoxify your body and aids digestion with powerful antioxidant benefits.

Here, you can choose the best tea based on its value and taste.
It is also an ancient herbal remedy that people have used to treat many ailments, including arthritis, diabetes, coughs, colds, and nausea. Ginger is consumed in many ways in traditional medicine, including in the form of ginger tea. You can make ginger tea by putting the peeled root in water or milk. Some of the most common side effects of drinking too much ginger tea are gas, bloating, heartburn, and nausea. Research suggests that you limit pre-prepared ginger tea to less than 4 cups per day.
2. BLACK TEA --:
Black tea also offers various health benefits as it contains antioxidants and compounds that can help reduce inflammation in the body. Black tea contains polyphenols that have antioxidant properties. Eating antioxidants can help reduce your risk of chronic disease and improve your overall health. High blood pressure can cause many health problems. Drinking black tea regularly can help lower systolic and diastolic blood pressure.
Chamomile tea is made from chamomile flowers and is used to treat a variety of ailments. Many studies have linked chamomile tea to reducing menstrual cramps. The women in the study also reported less anxiety and distress related to menstrual pain. Chamomile tea is widely believed to help people relax and fall asleep.
Oolong tea is a traditional Chinese tea. Oolong tea also contains L-theanine, an amino acid that has a positive effect on relaxation and cognitive function. Antioxidant polyphenols in oolong tea can help maintain normal blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. However, the evidence is mixed and more research is needed. Oolong tea may help reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure in some people, but more research is needed.
5. GREEN TEA --:
Green tea is considered one of the best drinks on the planet. Green tea is packed with polyphenol antioxidants, including a catechin called EGCG. These antioxidants may have various health benefits. Green tea has less caffeine than coffee but enough to produce an effect. It also contains the amino acid L-theanine, which can work synergistically with caffeine to improve brain function. Green tea can increase the metabolic rate and cause fat burning in a short period of time, although not all studies agree.
6. LEMON TEA --:
One of the most popular types of tea is lemon tea or nimbu chai. To make lemon tea, all you have to do is squeeze lemon juice into black tea. You can add sugar and masala to the juice as a taste. Lemons are a good source of nutrients like vitamin C, vitamin B6, as well as potassium and magnesium. All of these play an important role in boosting your immune system and protecting you from allergies and infections. Tea leaves also contain flavonoids and antioxidants that help boost the immune system.
Hibiscus tea is an herbal tea made by steeping parts of the hibiscus plant in boiling water. It has a tart flavor like cranberries and can be enjoyed hot or cold. Animal studies have shown that hibiscus extract has antioxidant properties. More studies are needed to determine how this may translate to humans. Some studies have shown that hibiscus tea can reduce blood cholesterol and triglycerides in people with diabetes and metabolic diseases. However, other studies have produced conflicting results. More research is needed in society. Human and animal studies have shown that hibiscus extract may be beneficial for liver health by reducing liver damage and fatty liver disease.
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