Yoga Sequences and Flows
Provide pre-designed yoga sequences and flows for different purposes such as energizing, relaxing, or focusing on specific areas of the body. Include variations for different skill levels and time constraints.

Energizing Morning Flow: A sequence designed to awaken the body and mind, incorporating sun salutations, standing poses, and gentle backbends to invigorate and energize for the day ahead.
Relaxing Evening Flow: A sequence focused on winding down and releasing tension, incorporating gentle stretches, forward folds, restorative poses, and relaxation techniques to promote relaxation and prepare for restful sleep.
Core Strength Flow: A sequence targeting the core muscles, including poses such as plank, boat pose, side plank, and variations of abdominal exercises to build strength and stability in the core.
Hip Opening Flow: A sequence to release tightness and increase flexibility in the hips, incorporating poses like pigeon pose, lizard pose, and wide-legged forward folds to open up the hip joints and release tension in the lower body.
Backbend Flow: A sequence aimed at improving spinal flexibility and opening the heart center, including poses such as cobra pose, camel pose, bridge pose, and wheel pose to strengthen and stretch the back muscles.
Balance and Stability Flow: A sequence to enhance balance and proprioception, incorporating standing balance poses like tree pose, warrior III, and eagle pose, along with core-engaging movements to improve stability.
Full Body Flow: A comprehensive sequence targeting the entire body, combining strength-building poses, stretches, and balancing poses to promote overall strength, flexibility, and mind-body integration.
Gentle Flow for Beginners: A beginner-friendly sequence introducing foundational yoga poses and emphasizing proper alignment, breath awareness, and gentle movements to build body awareness and prepare for more advanced practice.
Stress Relief Flow: A sequence focused on relieving stress and promoting relaxation, incorporating gentle stretches, forward folds, seated twists, and restorative poses to calm the nervous system and cultivate a sense of peace.
Quick Lunch Break Flow: A condensed sequence designed to fit into a short time frame, including a combination of gentle stretches, sun salutations, and seated poses to refresh and rejuvenate during a busy day.
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